Foundation Foundations

  • About the Foundation
  • 05-17-18

Welcome to the Immanuel Foundation! If you’re from the Flathead, you probably know Immanuel Lutheran Communities—or maybe you know the “Lutheran Home” up on Buffalo Hill. We’ve been here for over 60 years, so we’re something of an institution in the Valley. The Immanuel Foundation is a brand-new 501c3 organization founded solely to secure donations for Immanuel Lutheran Communities; we want the organization to be here, serving seniors, for at least another 60 years.

If you’re reading this page, chances are that you have some connection with Immanuel. Maybe you’re one of the 200 residents who call our campus home. Or maybe you’ve had a short-term rehab stay in the Retreat. Maybe, like me, you work here—or, also like me—you’re a resident’s family member. Whatever your connection to Immanuel, you know how important our work is, and you know how well we do it.

If you’ve driven past our campus recently, you’ve probably seen the big construction project. This physical expansion of our campus is very exciting, and we look forward to adding more independent residents to our community. But we’re building something else, too, something less visible but even more vital. We’re building the Foundation, which will insure that not only independent residents with financial means but also the most vulnerable seniors in our community, those with health problems and limited funds, will have safe homes in vibrant communities.

As we launch the Immanuel Foundation, this blog will be a place where you can learn about the work we do. I’m the Grants and Communications Manager for the foundation, but I began my work at Immanuel in the administrative office of our Residential and Assisted Living Community and have had the opportunity to get to know many of our wonderful residents. One is particularly dear to my heart—my grandfather lives here, and I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about him in the coming months. I look forward to sharing with you some stories of our community and some thoughts on aging services. After all, the people we serve are at the heart of our work as a Foundation, and this is a place where you can learn more about them.

Lauren Davis, Ph.D.
Grants and Communications Manager

You Can Make a Difference

At the Immanuel Foundation, we believe that every senior living in Montana has the right to a safe, secure home in an engaging and supportive community. We work every day to make that vision a reality. Your financial support is crucial as 60% of our Skilled Care residents are low income, Medicaid qualified. Immanuel Foundation works to raise funds to support these seniors in need.

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