Leave a Legacy

For more than 60 years, Immanuel Lutheran Communities has provided safe, secure, homes in an engaging and supportive community for Montana’s seniors. You can help make certain this legacy continues on for generations to come!

Gifting and Taxes: What You Need To Know

Hear local experts discuss the tax benefits of philanthropy.  Panelists include an attorney, a CPA, a financial advisor, and an experienced fundraiser.

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Your Legacy For Flathead Valley

By making a planned gift to the Immanuel Foundation you’re ensuring the programs and services of Immanuel Lutheran Communities are available in the Flathead Valley for generations to come.

How To Give

A bequest is a gift included in your will or living trust. It can be a specific monetary amount, a percentage of your trust or estate, a specific piece of property, or a percentage of the residue of your estate. The following is sample bequest language, which may be adapted by your legal counsel to fit your individual circumstances:

I hearby give to the Immanuel Foundation, Federal Tax ID number 82-4366126, located at 185 Crestline, Kalispell, MT 59901, the sum of $_____ or____% of my estate, or property herein described, for the benefit of Immanuel Lutheran Communities, to be used by its Board of Directors as it may deem advisable.

By including a bequest to the Immanuel Foundation in your will or trust, you are ensuring that Immanuel can continue its ministry for years to come.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a contractual agreement that exchanges a gift to the Immanuel Foundation for secure, guaranteed income for life for you or a person you designate. Not only does this gift provide you with regular payments and allow us to further our mission, but when you create a charitable gift annuity with the Immanuel Foundation you also receive a variety of tax benefits, including a federal income tax charitable deduction and a Montana Endowment Tax Credit equal to 40% of the charitable value of your gift if the annuity restricts your gift to a permanent endowment in your name! Charitable Gift Annuities can be established with cash or a gift of stock. *

Contact Heidi Hickethier at (406)407-5733 or email info@immanuelfoundation.org for more information.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust enables you to provide income for yourself and/or your loved ones, and also make a meaningful gift to Immanuel. Benefits of a charitable remainder trust include: potential for a charitable income tax deduction in the year you create the trust; a potential Montana Endowment Tax Credit up to $10,000 per individual; the likelihood of increased income; and up-front capital gains tax avoidance.*

There are two ways to receive payments with charitable remainder trusts. The Annuity Trust pays you, each year, the same dollar amount you establish at the beginning. Your payments stay the same, regardless of market fluctuations in trust investments. The Unitrust pays you a variable amount based on a fixed percentage of the fair market value of the trust assets valued each year.

What To Give

One of the key benefits of planned gifts is that they can be funded in multiple ways. Although funding a planned gift with cash is the simplest method, planned gifts offer the flexibility to make your gift with assets that will deliver maximum benefits to you. Here’s how:

Retirement Plan Assets
The balance remaining in your retirement account after your death is often subject to double taxation if it passes to your heirs, taxed both as income and as an estate asset. The result is that a large portion of the value may have to be paid toward taxes. By designating the remaining balance of your retirement account to the Immanuel Foundation and using other assets for gifts to your family, you can make a sizeable charitable contribution while still providing for your loved ones.

Real Estate
You can give real estate outright, transfer it in a part sale/part gift arrangement, or use it to fund a life-income gift. You can even give your residence and reserve the right to continue to occupy it throughout your lifetime.

Life Insurance
Gifts of life insurance can be made by either assigning ownership of your policy to the Immanuel Foundation or by naming us as a beneficiary of the policy. Life insurance is also a wealth replacement tool to help you make charitable gifts through your estate while also providing for your loved ones.

The Montana Endowment Tax Credit

Montana is one of only 4 states to offer an Endowment Tax Credit. This unique tax credit incentive offers a Montana taxpayer a reduction on the taxes s/he owes – up to $10,000 per year – by making a qualified charitable contribution to a permanent endowment. An individual taxpayer can claim the tax credit of up to 40% of the charitable value of the gift by making a gift of cash or property (in the form of a Planned gift) to a qualified endowment Also, a business that pays income taxes to the State of Montana can also receive the credit (up to 20%) by making cash or certain property gifts to a qualified endowment for the benefit of charitable organizations like Immanuel.

Immanuel Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization who has experience in handling qualified endowmentsPlanned gifts that qualify you to receive this tax credit include: charitable gift annuities, deferred charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable life estate agreements, paid-up life insurance policies, and charitable lead trusts. 

For more information on leaving your legacy to the Immanuel Foundation, please contact:

Heidi Hickethier
Foundation Director

More Information from the Montana State Code

Definitions (Planned Gift and Qualified Endowment)

Defining the Tax Credit for Planned Gifts

Defining the Tax Credit for Outright Gifts by Business Entities   (More Information)

Charitable Gift Annuity Exemption Act

Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act

*This information is not intended as professional tax or legal advice; the Immanuel Foundation encourages you to consult a qualified tax or legal advisor about your specific giving options and personal situation.

Your Gift Changes Lives

At the Immanuel Foundation, we believe that every senior living in Montana has the right to a safe, secure home in an engaging and supportive community. We work every day to make that vision a reality and your financial support is crucial. 60% of our Skilled Care residents are low income, Medicaid qualified. Immanuel Foundation raises funds to support these seniors in need.

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